The Miranda Sings Award


Hey you, so today I’m doing the Miranda sings award. It’s the first award I’m ever doing and I’m nominated for. I was nominated by unknown-girl. Have a look at her blog, it is really cool! I hope you’ll like it and I also hope I won’t sound as I’m completely loving myself. I think we should not hide our positive sides but it could be very hard to allow yourself to be this confident and sure about your personality. Especially because you often only know the things you don’t like on yourself. Ok, enough about that 😛 So I think I will just go on with the award, right? First of all the rules:

  • Announce your win with a post and link the blogger who nominated you.
  • Include the featured image on your blog post.
  • Nominate 10 bloggers (or as many as you can think of) and link your awardees in the post.
  • List 7 things you love about yourself (This can be about your appearance, your personality, your achievements, etc.)
  • Don’t use negative connotation. (I.e. don’t say things like – I’m prettier than an average person or People have told me I’m smart. You ARE pretty. You ARE smart!
  1. I’m a very ambitious person and therefore I get pretty good grades at school.
  2. I like to give new things a try even when they won’t work out in the end (for example this blog 😉 ).
  3. I’m quite athletic and do also have a sporty body.
  4. I’m proud of being a good friend and having a close, familiar friendship with the people I love.
  5. I like that I compaign myself for many different activities besides school.
  6. I’m glad I have hobbies like baking, cooking, reading, going outside, doing DIYs and making/listening to music (I think nowadays people often don’t do those things, they’re more doing stuff like video games and watching TV. I’m also doing this but not all the time).
  7. I’m weird but I think that’s not a bad thing.

It was quite difficult for me to do this award but in the end it’s finished! So I nominate the following poeple (sry if you’ve already done it , I don’t know):

Someone online


Nicky Writes Life

Misstery blog



Ruby’s Cadence




Be sure to check out some of these blogs they’re all amazing!!! Also tell me iin the comments whether you like reading awards, tags and Q&As 🙂 I’m still glad about some more questions. Thanks for reading ❤

xxx Girl on rainbow





Panna Cotta


Hey guys, today I will show you the most delicious panna cotta recipe 🙂

First of all a big thank you to all of you, who are reading this, following me (already 17 amazing people?!!), supporting me and all the lovely comments you’re leaving on my other blog posts <3. I know for some of you this is only a little number but for me it’s so incredible. I think starting this blog was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! A big big hug to every one of you!!! Continue reading “Panna Cotta”

Why do we have to make so many decisions?

Hey you (whoever is reading this)

The last days I had no idea what my next post could be about so this is finally just something that was on my mind today. I just began to write, so this reflects exactly what’s going on in my head. Until about an hour everything was ok. I was really happy. Yesterday was so funny and also it’s weekend so why not being happy. But there is a little conflict now with one of my best friends.

It’s like I don’t know exactly what to do. I just can’t understand her point. I have to decide between making her unhappy and doing what I actually want to do. She has planned her birthday for longer now and there are some problems with the datum and so on. I don’t want to tell you exactly what it is about because everything should stay anonymous. In fact it was a nearly perfect day and now I don’t know how to make it the best for everyone. I don’t want to hurt anyone but I think there’s no way of making the best for every single one. I hate those situation where you have to choose. When you can’t decide especially when nothing you can do will make both situations fine. So no one will be disappointed or sad or angry about you. Why are there those situations in life? Why can’t there be someone who knows the answer? Why do we have to make those situations on our own?

Another kind of making decisions also just happened to me. You know exactly how you want to decide and then someone else makes your decision. And exactly the other way round that you wanted to make. I was sure I wanted to say no and then there is another person who is saying yes of course. Why did you said no? In such moments I think: why can’t she just accept my no? Or if I was wrong although I was completely sure about my decisions few minutes ago. It also can be very helpful to get help, for example if I should take the green or the blue dress.

I think there are so many different decisions in life, good ones, bad ones, difficult ones, easy ones, some you want to do on your own and some not. Maybe they’re really hard sometimes and maybe they’re also sometimes wrong but life goes on. We can improve our mistakes, our wrong decisions. Friends are an important ingredient of this. I don’t know what to do without my friends. With whom to talk and with whom to laugh, to relax and to cry. I’m sure me and my friends will find a solution, always (probably we’ll have found one till I’ve finished this post).

For some reason this post sounds as if I’m completely unhappy but don’t think that!!! After finishing this above I’m feeling a lot better, don’t know, actually happy. I’m also thinking about doing a Q & A, so leave me comments whether I should do it and which questions. If you have other ideas also let me know. Every nice statement means so much to me 🙂

xxx Girl on rainbow

Grey clouds in the world

Hey you, this is a post from a new category. Writing about my thoughts and more deeper things. Hope you like it, and hope it is not too serious. Tell me in the comments 🙂 …. And just take a moment and smile. When I look outside the window I see grey clouds. When I walk … Continue reading “Grey clouds in the world”

Hey you,

this is a post from a new category. Writing about my thoughts and more deeper things. Hope you like it, and hope it is not too serious. Tell me in the comments 🙂 …. And just take a moment and smile.

When I look outside the window I see grey clouds. When I walk in a street I often see unhappy faces and everybody has no time. I think that’s one oft he biggest problems for ourself. We don’t care about ourselves or we care too much about ourselves.

You should take your time. I’m also thinking that but doing it? No, there are so much other things to do, school, work and all that stuff we have to do. I don’t want to say everything we have to do is bad or is making us unhappy. Of course not! But why aren’t there a bit more often happy faces in the world? I’m often trying to smile at other persons and it’s such a good feeling when you know: they’re smiling because of you. I’m often asking myself then, what is their story? And also whether there is anybody who knows it or to narrate it.

I also know that there happens so much terrible things in the whole world, so there are times you feel sad and can’t push yourself, don’t want to ignore that. But I hope you understand what I try to say. I think sometimes the world is too grey and needs a little colourful sprinkle. Just someone who is saying: sun, look, use this gab and make these grey clouds go away. And sometimes people need a little bit of help to let their sun shine through.

xxx Girl on rainbow

Apple-Cupcakes with Oats

Hey guys,

the last days I’ve found so many nice people on other amazing blogs and this makes me so happy:) Also if there are probably only around three people reading this I’m so lucky to know just that.

This is one of my favourite muffin/cupcake recipes and I hope it will taste you too. So let’s begin with the ingredients. (ca 12 servings) Continue reading “Apple-Cupcakes with Oats”

My first post!!!

Hey you, whoever you are, welcome on this blog!

So this is my first post ever ever and I’m really excited if anybody will be reading this. Actually I don’t exactly know what this will be about, but I think It’s a good idea to tell you what to except to read on this blog.

One of my biggest hobbys is baking. I will share some recipes with you and hope they will taste you!  I also want to write about life, just some things floating around in my head, making me think or stuff I simply like to share with someone.

On the internet there are so many people and I’m feeling like a small island in the big wide ocean, not knowing which boat will discover my little world. Also whether it will stay and be my friend or just pass through.

Sooo exited of how this will go on!! If you’re reading this leave me a comment and tell me whether you had the same feeling 🙂

xxx Girl on rainbow